HTML, CSS, Processing & Kinect
Phyllotaxis Flowers
Created during Algorithmic Botany with the School for Poetic Computation
Phyllotaxis Flowers
Created during Algorithmic Botany with the School for Poetic Computation
Impala Print
Image from Google Maps, filtered with an algorithm in Processing, printed using the Axidraw
Impala Print
Image from Google Maps, filtered with an algorithm in Processing, printed using the Axidraw
Billboard Submission
For Save Art Space's 'At Whose Expense?'. Interactive graphic generated with Processing.
Grid sketches
Built with jQuery and CSS, art directed by Eddy Nieto. Created at Hobbes.
Computer Vision Explorations
Built with Processing and webcam. Created at Hobbes.
Kinect Explorations
Built with Processing and Kinect. Created at Hobbes.